piątek, 9 października 2015

Computer Games

Computer Games

Computer games aren’t just brainsless timekillers, they have deeper meaning and interesting plots. It’s something that makes you the hero, you can be anyone you want to, in one lifetime you can ‘’meet’’ a lot of interesting ‘’people’’ and stories.

Many games from Rockstar Games are as good as a book or a movie. Scripts, animations, writing characters - it all takes a lot of time to the game be able to be played, eg: Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, Medal Of Honor, Metal Gear Solid.

A lot of people work at one game, there are ‘’teams’’ and everybody does something else, that’s why the game is special. It doesn’t matter how much money they spend to make a game, how good the graphics are, how epic the soundtrack is when the plot is bad or characters are not written interesting. Of course it all matters but there are more important things.

In a game without ‘’graphics’’ of course we can see something on monitor but we don’t see what our hero does.  It’s a text game and it’s a Polish game called ‘’Otchłań’’. It was made in 1999 and it’s sill updated to this day. It’s creators were 13/14/15-year-old boys with great passion. Games that came out 10/15 years ago can still give fun of playing them and don’t mind their graphics.

Kolaż wykonany z: Deus ex Human Revolution, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Darksiders 2, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations

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